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Which key themes would like to see in the ADASS 2022 program?

Pros and cons
Reduction of the environmental footprint of computing
by Jürgen Knödlseder
Very relevant nowadays; SKAO has Sustainability as one of its values, but the amount of computing... more
by Juande Santander-Vela
It would be especially interesting to discuss whether and how strong rebound effects impede the r... more
by Christoph Wendel

Juande Santander-Vela, Sander ter Veen, Agnieszka Janiuk and 21 more

Handling legacy software
by Dirk Petry
Astrophysical missions/experiments/observatories have a certain life time but their data needs to... more
I think of this as software sustainability – something that general use packages handle (e.g. pos... more
by Simon O'Toole
An important part of it is "how do we pay for legacy support?" Grant funds run out, mission sup... more
by Marc Pound

Lucio Chiappetti, Peter Kretschmar, Marc Pound and 17 more

Software support
by Yan Grange
Not too happy with the actual title but I basically mean: how do dev teams handle the support? Is... more
I think trying to see how much DevOps, and DevSecOps, are making inroads in astronomy development... more
by Juande Santander-Vela

Juande Santander-Vela, Sander ter Veen, Maura Pilia and 16 more

pipeline execution frameworks
by Yan Grange
Obviously like this one ;-), but I would change the title to be more inclusive: Workflow manageme... more

Emmanuel Joliet, Kevin Vinsen, Shin and 13 more

Big data, big nightmare?
by Thomas Juerges
All aspects of engineering and scientific data archiving in the times of big data. For instanc... more
These questions are extremely important and at the moment the discussion around them is very piec... more
by Simon O'Toole

Felix, Kevin Vinsen, Shin and 10 more

User interfaces
by Yan Grange
I’d like the scope of this to be covering all of bragging about your cool UI, technical talks and... more
I would add user experience to this!
by Simon O'Toole
Include best practices for UIs
by Bruce Berriman

Sander ter Veen, Lucio Chiappetti, Marc P and 7 more

Astro clouds and science platforms
by Wiliam O'Mullane
Interop of our many science platforms .. streaming interfaces upgrades for TAP etc .. time for th... more

Felix, Tess Jaffe, Megan sosey and 6 more

Robust Systems
by Ben Rusholme
How to architect data systems for: * operational reliability * scientific validation/repeatab... more
"Data engineering" in industry. Should also have added "operational flexibility" - supporting mul... more
by Ben Rusholme
Perhaps one aspect could also be current Monitor and Control system frameworks for telescopes and... more
by Thomas Juerges

Juande Santander-Vela, Felix, Reinhold Schaaf and 4 more

Skilling up users around clean data formats
by James Tocknell
Not all data analysis and data reduction software is written by software engineers. Especially af... more

Maura Pilia, Lucio Chiappetti, Marc P and 3 more

Julia for Astronomical Data Analysis
by Eric Ford
The Julia language is proving to a major step forward for numerical computing https://julialang.o... more
Julia is the successor to SciPy. It solves the two language problem. No need to use C/C++ or FORT... more
Additionally, multiple dispatch has proven "unreasonably effective" in improving the composabilit... more
by Eric Ford
Two big questions I have about Julia are its stability (both in terms of the language and the eco... more
by James Tocknell
Julia is now quite stable, has robust array features, and has a very good package manager. Julia'... more
by Paul Barrett
@James: 1. The stability of Julia itself has been great from v0.7 to now (v1.7) (and much bette... more
by Eric Ford
@James 2. While most things could benefit from being rewritten in Julia, not everything has to be... more
by Eric Ford
Paul Barrett
Stefan Wagner
Online architectures to enable (near)-realtime astronomy
by Michael Coughlin
Many astronomy experiments are pushing the envelope in terms of the analysis latencies. Concepts ... more
Erik Katsavounidis
Software Development & the Astro Curriculum
by Eric Ford
As software development becomes much more than just programming, it is increasingly difficult for... more
Maura Pilia
Yan Grange
Astronomical Data Science & Systems for Planetary Defence
by Gijs A. Verdoes Kleijn
Space weather, Near-Earth Objects, Space Debris are a main priority now of NASA, ESA and other sp... more
I'm not quite sold on the title, but the subject is good and could serve well as a way to not onl... more
by Alice Allen
Alice Allen
Gijs Verdoes Kleijn
Leveraging APIs for Astronomy
by Jon Nation
Using api-driven applications to enable programmatic control of users, observations and data prod... more
Anaïs Oberto
Lisa Storrie-Lombardi
Portable yet CPU-optimized binary code
by Marcel Loose
For maximum runtime performance, you would like your binary code to exploit as many CPU features ... more
Stefan Wagner
Yan Grange
Probabilistic Programming Languages for Astronomy
by Eric Ford
Probabilistic programming languages (PPLs; e.g., Turing, Stan, Nimble, JAGS) can dramatically acc... more
Marc P
PB-EB scale joint survey processing
by Chenzhou Cui
The challenges and possible technical solutions for PB~EB scale joint survey processing among dat... more
Data processing pipelines and algorithms
Symbolic Programming and Computation
by Paul Barrett
Interpretive languages such as Julia, Mathematica, and Python offer the ability to do symbolic ma... more


Juande Santander-Vela

To @Yan Grange: is Software Support also a form of Software Evolution? It is probably a different topic, which brings Software Engineering closer to Systems Engineering, but can also touch on User Interfaces… so not so sure what to do there.

Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Yan Grange

I'd totally be happy to propose a broader version of the topic (sorru that I missed your comment originally @Juande). I have the impression that people start thinking more about how to actually build a user interface that works for scientists. I guess this all (User intefaces, support, maybe some part of software engineering) links together in how to bring the software to the user. Or am I being too creative in broadening here?

Sun, Feb 20, 2022

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