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What would you like to ask Justine Bone of MedSec in her S4x17 Main Stage Interview?

On August 25th MedSec and Muddy Waters disclosed vulnerabilities in aSt. Jude Medical implantable cardiac devices. These are serious vulnerabilities identified by MedSec and shared with Muddy Waters in an effort to get the problem fixed.

Disclosures of ICS vulns is not new, but what makes this unique is MedSec will likely be paid if the St. Jude stock price goes down ("MedSec is receiving compensation related to investment profits from the funds Muddy Waters manages"). Muddy Waters shorted the stock and was predicting up to a 50% decline in revenues for the next two years due to recalls and remediations.

Pros and cons
What should a provider or patient make of the information published by Muddy Waters and the associated headlines? Be afraid, have a nice day?
by @zmanion
To unplug Merlin@Home or not, that is the question. It would be good to have some stats on actio... more
by Bryan
And how does a provider know if the replacement equipment, or other equipment in the hospital, do... more
by Peterson
Marie Moe
What was it about St. Jude Medical's devices that made them "lagging far behind"? Aren't most of these medical devices insecure?
by Dale Peterson
Patrick Coyle
Given the large installed base and the pervasive set of problems in the devices, what would be a good response from St. Jude in your opinion?
by Peterson
Should FDA have a specific disclosure coordination role like ICS-CERT?
by Patrick Coyle
Patrick Coyle
You wrote in a blog post that when you made this vulnerability disclosure you were departing from traditional cybersecurity practices. Are you concerned that this departure may set a dangerous precident? Do you think that others following this precident might jepordize users' safety by departin... more
Muddy Waters report recommended to unplug the Merlin@Home monitoring. A few weeks later St Jude Medical issued a recall of several of their devices due to battery faults (not related to MedSec findings) with a strong recommendation to keep the monitoring switched on to detect a possible premature... more
by Marie Moe
In my opinion driving using only the rear view mirror is not a great idea.

