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What is the most important rule on the internet?

Pros and cons
What is the most important e-safety rule?
by Mrs. Stresser (France)
For me,it's paying attention to the site we frequent and choosing a good password.
by Jéhanne Auguste (france)
For me, the most important rule on the internet is respect between usars so no mockery and no cri... more
by Romain Froberger ( France )
la regle de securite sur internet pour moi c est de ne pas poster ce qui est dans la vie privée.
by gary caubriere
For me the rules of internet are very important for the respect of people
by Nathan gschwind
Adobati Elise
Jéhanne Auguste (France)
Nathan gschwind france
What if there were no rules on the internet?
by Mrs. Stresser (France)
What are the impacts of rules on the internet? Does it really matter? Isn't it possible to be fre... more
The rules on the Internet are used for compliance and standardisation.
by Jéhanne Auguste (france)
si il n'y avait pas de règles sur internet , le confort de chacun ne serait pas respecté
by gary caubriere
If there were no rules on the internet it would be the mess
by Nathan gschwind
The rules on the Internet are used for compliance and standardisation.
by Jéhanne Auguste (france)
Jéhanne Auguste (France)
Nathan gschwind france



You must also be polit and say "please" and "thank you". It's a simple rule for a better life!

Wed, Nov 25, 2020

Yanis.Robin collège Jean Monnet

The most important rule for me online, is to respect other people. Like in the real life you mustn't be offensive or use insultes

Wed, Nov 25, 2020

Mylene Schnebelin

For me a important roules is ont to put private things in public

Mon, Nov 23, 2020
