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time is up

Where does your party stand on the following Pukerua Bay issues?

The Voting electorate wants to know where your party stands on a variety of important issues.
Discuss these in your group, develop a point of view and add it to the discussion below.
As others add theri voice to the argument, you will need to support your point of view with facts and rational statements.
Remember anything you write online can be held against you!

Pros and cons
The road crossing to the train station: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt
The parks, playgrounds, and walkways: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt
The shops: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt
The access to health care: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt
The bus and train service: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt
Activities for school students: Are you happy with the status quo? Is there anything you would change? What changes will your party promise to make?
by Matt

