Tips for brainstorming with tricider
Brainstorming is a useful and successful method for generating ideas and decision making. And brainstorming with tricider is a lot of fun. To make your brainstorming sessions with tricider even more successful, we have compiled a few tips:
TIP 1: Brainstorming starts with a good question
For a good brainstorming session, use a question with the good old 5W: Who, Where, When, What and Why ... and How. Even if you want to know: “Should I take the new job?” Just take a step back and ask: “What should I do with my job? Propose two solutions: “Take the new one” and “keep the old one” and see what happens. Now, your friends can either vote OR post new ideas. You never know what a brainstorming session can bring.
TIP 2: No one wants to be first in line
Before sending the question to your friends, propose a first solution. People are more creative at a brainstorming if they can build on something. You know that from writing a letter. The first sentence is the hardest. Well, it´s the same with brainstorming.
TIP 3: A friendly invitation
Use the description beneath the brainstorming question to set the stage for your discussion. Welcome everyone and explain why it is so important that everyone participates. Conclude the description with a call for action like “Start now” or “Let´s brainstorm!” That will motivate everyone.
TIP 4: Everything is valuable
There are no bad ideas in brainstorming. Scientists found out that bad ideas motivate others to come across with their ideas. People that normally would not dare to propose a solution suddenly feel more confident if very bad ideas were posted in a brainstorming. So you see, even bad ideas are a good thing - at least in brainstorming.
TIP 5: Seperate discussion from arguments
In a tricider brainstorming, there is a special area for comments below the brainstorming table. You can use it to discuss ideas and comment them. Keep the arguments objective and short. That makes brainstorming easier for everyone and people can come up with new ideas and find the best solution.