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How Crowdsourcing is used?

In the Jeff Howe’s book “Crowdsourcing” he differentiate four primary strategies; these are:

Crowd Voting

Crowd voting is a way of use the community’s judgement and leverage it to organize, filter and stack-rank content such as newspaper articles, music and movies. Among Howes crowd voting is the most popular form of crowdsourcing, which generates the highest levels of participation. Example of crowd voting includes the algorithms that Google use to give relevance to their results via links and page reviews. Crowd voting is used as well as a marketing tool to develop contest campaigns.

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Crowd Wisdom

The wisdom of Crowds can be explained based in the howes states that says “Given the right set of conditions the crowd will almost always outperform any number of employees – a fact that many companies are increasingly attempting to exploit.”. Indeed there are several studies that confirm that even concentrated groups of highly intelligence people are consistently outperformed by crowds. The best example of this crowdsourcing strategy could be Wikipedia. A tool that is used everyday by thousands all over the world.

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Defined as activities such as asking individuals to film TV commercials, perform language translation or solve challenging scientific problems. This strategy is combined with crowd voting to create marketing campaigns. There are several examples and tools of this strategy such as “threadless.com” that motivate through some contest the creative consumers to propose new T-shirt ideas for sale on the site or Linux the famous open source operating system that is developed by a community of avid programmers.


As a crowdsourcing strategy, It describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources together to finance or help individuals or groups that would not get credit or opportunities to get a loan by the traditional system. “kiva” is a very good example; it is a microlending tool that provides a marketplace for aspiring entrepreneurs in developing nations to seek out funds for their projects and ideas.
