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What is the impact of Europe in your everyday life? If your country wasn't part of the EU or EEA, what would be different for you?

Pros and cons
I am very happy that I live in Europe because we have euro its easier to pay with one type of money and I feel more secure in Europe than in for example in Africa. And of course that Europe has a good impact on my everyday life. We can travel more easily in Europe.
by by Simona,Slovakia,Team 8
Of course it's easier to pay with one type of money but that money is a little bit too expensive ... more
by Ayoub, France, Team 6
I agree it's true .
by by Sabína, Slovakia , team 1
Cynthia, Slovakia
by Emma, Norway, group 8
Europe has an impact in my everyday life because everytime i buy some groceries that comes from a... more
Embla Holme
the impact of the European Union has no impact on me. There would be no change in my area at all
by Peter,Slovakia
Peter Slovakia team 4
I agree with your opinion.
by Adam.F, Slovakia, team2
the EU has a big impact on our country i think, our economic is better ever since we are in EU an... more
by Rene.H,Slovskia,Team2
Adam.F, Slovakia
EU and EEA
by Mina Norway
I think EEA is the best choice for Norway, because then we can have benefits but still we can sav... more
I totally agree with your opinion.
by by Panagiotis T.,Grecee,team 2
Embla Holme
Emma Granaasen
Study in other contries
by Embla, team 8, Norway
If my conutry is a part of EU or EEA it's much easier to study in other contries. U wont need to... more
Emma Granaasen
I am glad I live in the EU because we have more options than in poorer countries for example Africa, Syria ,Pakistan etc. Even though Slovakia is not the richest country ,but it lives well here.We Europeans have better conditions for traveling. I can imagine livinig outside the EU.
by Stanislava,Slovakia Team
team 8
I'm grateful to have the opportunity to study.
by Stanislava,Slovakia Team 8
I am happy that i live in the EU because i can travel to the other countries without any problems.
by Walter, Slovakia, Team 6
I agree with you. Europe have a good impact in our life. In fact, if we want to travel in Europe,... more
by Axelle, France, TEAM 4
I am glad that i live in Europe because we can study, travel, work and live in any EU country. Travelling is much safer in EU than in non-EU countries. When we are shopping we are protected by laws and of course we can pay with euros.
by Cynthia, Slovakia team 8
I fully agree with you. I love travelling too. I can not imagine that I would have to ask for per... more
by by Alex, Slovakia team 6
I believe that being apart of the European union is a positive impact because we can easily travel the countries that are apart of it and we can also live in one of them if we choose to!I think that there wouldn't be a big problem if my country wasn't in Europe and I think that things would be sl... more
by Anastasia,Greece Team 6
I think that being in the european union has had a possitive evect on everyday life because it has helped our country to become more modern and synchronised with the outside world. This has had a big impact and is very important!
by Nikos Kar., Team 5, Greece
Being a member of E.U has helped each country to define it's identity and tradition. I think if my country wasn't a member of E.U it's history wouldn't be the same as it is today.
by Mirella Kantziou, Greece, Team 7
Georgia, Greece
EU has a large impact on our life.Firstly we can travel easily to any EU country without passport and all EU countries have the same currency that is very useful.Also all EU countries help and cooparate with each other when there is a problem.In my opinion if Greece was not a EU country there wou... more
by Theano,Greece,team 7
Georgia, Greece
In my opinion, we didn't make the right choice to enter the European Union because our currency, the euro is a too expensive currency. Our last currency, the Franc cost less than the euro
by Ayoub, France, Team 6
I think if France wasn't in the EU, we couldn't travel in other countries without passport so it is useful
by Victor team 6 France
I'm glad I'm living in EU because I can travel to any EU country without passport or ID card. It's great because students like me have easier access to schools abroad.
by Adam C., Slovakia, Team 6
EU has a great impact on my everyday life because we can travel more easily in Europe. For example as we live in the North of France we often go to Belgium without needing a passport or anything. If we weren’t part of it travelling would be more of an issue because of the time we can lose in ID c... more
by Phoebe, Team 6, France
Since Norway is a part of the EEA, we get the perks of being a part of the EU, but still get to be independent. We can use our perks by going to schools in other countires (that are a part of the EU/EEA), work in other countries, or visit different countries easier. When I am in high school, I wa... more
by Aleksandra Nordahl
Sigrid Svegården
Since Norway is a part of the EEA, Europe does affect Norway, but it is not something I go around and think about everyday. Europe can affect me in such as aspects of for exampel my education. With Norway being a part of EEA, I have the opportunity for going to school for instance in Paris and En... more
by Sigrid, Norway, Team 2
Aleksandra Nordahl
I think the Europe has a good impact in our lives because un the EU we can travel in others countries without problem, in fact we have passport so it's easy to travel. Next the economy of countries can be better thanks to Europe
by Pélagie, France, Team 2
I agree, in Europe it is very easy to travel to other countries without any problems. Iro, Greece
by Embla Holme
We live in North of France, next to Belgium, and when we want to go to Belgium we don't need to show our papers at borders. So for me, EU has big Impact in my life with the free circulation. We can also have diplomas that are reconized in all European countries, It's a good thing for students who... more
by Adrian, France, Team 8
I'm agree with you. As we are in the EU, when we buy something in Belgium we don't lose time to s... more
by Remi, France, team 3
The good things about EU
by Jean, France, Team 1
I think the EU is a good thing. To begin, there is no border between lands. We can study evryw... more
I totally agree with your opinion. I think that it is great to study where ever you want.
by Cynthia, Slovakia, Team 8
Europe has an impact in Slovakia.EU citizens have free movement throughout the EU,higher employment,lower prices. Economics: free movement of goods, new business opportunities.
by by Martina, Slovakia, team7
I agree that we are in the EU. we have many advantages, for example. Economics.The biggest proble... more
by by Martina, Slovakia, team7
I don't fully agree with you; of course we can travel easily throughout the EU but I think we'll ... more
by Ayoub, France, Team 6
EU has a good impact on the economy in France since EU's aid and trade agreements enable a better economy and better trade
by Romain.D,france, team7
I think living in Europe is very beneficial because it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, you can travel abroad without problems. Also, all the EU countries have the same type of money and it has an advantage because the transactions are facilitated. Finally, if my country wasn't be part of EU the... more
by Nickos Kantzios, Greece, team 6
I think living in Europe is very beneficial because it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, you can travel abroad without problems. Also all the EU countries have the same type of money and it has an advantage because the transactions are facilitated. Finally, if my country wasn't be part of EU ther... more
According to me, Europe is a good creation for different reasons: First to the students, we can easily study in Europe like with Erasmus. Also, we can travel without borders and without Passeport. Of course, this union permits to keep peace because all the countries of Europe sign a pact. Finally... more
by Camille, France, team 5
I think live in Europe is very good. If Slovakia wasn't a part of EU it would be very difficult to pay with another type of money in a country of Europe and we can also travel without problems to different countries. So at all that was very good idea to be part of EU. And another good think is th... more
by David,Slovakia team 6
The EU has a lot of advantages in our life. It permit to cross boundaries, normally separate countries but in EU there are not boundaries between the states. We are more free.
by Elia, France, Team 2
I think it is very good to be part of EU because be part of EU have many advantages for example: we can easily travel to the countries that are a part of it, EU countries have the same curency and more aadvantages.
by Mikulas Kovesi, Slovakia Team 2
by Adrien, France Team 8
The European union has a strong impact on my everyday life. Indeed, Europe enables us to travel f... more
In my opinion its very good, thahwe can live in Europa, I am glad to be a part of this union. Its easier to connect with other countries by paying, because the Europan currency is the same in all Europan union.
by by Sabína,Slovakia,Team 1
I think that living in Europe is a positive impact because we can travel wherever we like in the European union without having the fear of getting kicked out.
by Rafaella,Greece Team 6
I think uts very good to be part of Europe because we can travel more easily abroad!!!In addition, we have euro and that's is amazing because it is the same in all Europe!!!
by By John.X. Greece Team 8
I am very happy for luving in Europe because we have the same type to pay and we dont need passport to travel in other countries
by Ioannis papatsiaras,Greece,team 8
I think the Europe has a good idea for every day life.Also,we can travel without problem and learn traditions of other countries and has a good economic effect in our country.I am very happy that my country is in Europe!!!!!
by By Giannis Papapliouras ,GREECE ,Team3
I am very happy for living in Europe because we have quite a high industry and our our finances as a country are quite good. And another reason is, because we can travel without our passport!!!
by by Manos, Greece, Team 4
It is very good that we are in Europe because we have the same type of money and it is easier to buy things from another country of Europe.I am so happy that my country is in Europe because you can travel without passport!!!
by by Michael, Greece,team 5
Europe plays a significant role in our everyday life. If my country wasn't part of EU I wouldn't be able to travel abroad without passport without passport checks and shop from other countries without paying additional taxes.
by Kathrine, Greece, team 1
I think is very good that my country is in the Europe. My country if we has not part of Europe it would be different because we have the same coins and it would more difficult to buy or pay something from the other country
by by Panagiotis T. ,Greece,team2
Living in Europe has an impact in our life an I think it is possitive. If my country wasn't a part of Europe it would be different for our lives because we wouldnt have euro and it would be very difficult to pay with a different type of money in a country of Europe... I'm very happy and I feel se... more
by Christos, Greece, Team 4
I strongly believe that living in Europe has played a pretty positive impact in our lives.If my country was not a part of EEA we wouldnt have the chance to participate in projects like these.In addition we might not had the oppurtunity to learn about the culture of other countries,their customs ... more
by George M,Greece Team 5
I think it is very good to be in Europe. In Europe i feel secure and i love the fact that our history is based on some impressive events which played a great role in it's creation.
by Efthimis K., Greece Team 3
It is very important for me to be part of E.U because you can learn more about the other coyntries of E.U and it is easier to communicate.
by Georgia, Greece, Team 7
Living in Europe has definitelly a possitive impact in our lives.If we werent a part of europe we wouldnt have the same allies and for many countries using euro as common money
by N
Nickola Paraloukas ,Greece Team 2
I think it is very good to be in EU. Because we can travel without visa. It is good that some countries have euro and we don´t need to change money. And it also have more advantages.
by Ivana, Slovakia Team3
If my country wasn't a part of EEA, I would not have the chance to make projects with other countries at school as I do now and learn about them. Furthermore, I wouldn't have the possibility to travel and study in these countries. Finally, I believe that I am very lucky to live in EEA because I h... more
by Anna, Greece, Team 1
I think it would only be worse for us. Everything would be changed. I can not even imagine being in the EU. And I do not even think that as a country we would be able to stand apart.
by by Alexandra, Slovakia, Team 3
The Europeen union is a great thing, because the borders are not controlled, all countries can help the other countries in the EU. We have all the same currency and it's very useful when we go to other countries.
by Martial Team 1 France
If Greece was not in the European Union we could not use the same coin with other countries. We could not travel around Europe without passport. I feel happy and secure being in Europe.
by Nick Zervas, Greece Team 3
I use the currency: euro €. E.U help French regions to build. For example, my school built a new building with money from the E.U
by Paulin, France team 3
Europe has a big impact on our life because we have special rules for the agriculture so we are sure about the way of cultivation and we know what there is in the production
by Sixtine, france , team 4
In my everyday life, Europe gives me an education and in that way, that's a good thing. Then ,I'm free and I can go everywhere I want. It's why, I have a good culture : I can explore other countries.
by Maxence, team 7, France
We can use our mobile phone in europe cheapper. This low was votedlast year. And I live near Belgium so it's very convenient. When I'm in another Europian country, I feel safe.
by Emelia, team 5, FRANCE
I'm glad to live in Slovakia.The financial situation is not the best,but in some countries it's worse.Education is better than in individual countries.When we have not be in EUlife would be much harder.
by Attila,Slovakia.Team4
Im happy for living in Europe. We have got here not so high prices of food or clothing. I dont realy know what would be different for me if my country wasnt part of EU.
by Dominik,Slovakia,team 4
I am pretty happy that i live in Europe§
I don´t see any problems.I´am satisfied.I feel good in Slovakia
by Evelína,Slovakia,team 1
I think that living in Europe is very good for education. We can study in other countries and travel. Education in Europe is very good in my opinion.I can´t imagine if our country wasn´t part of the EU.
by Bernadett, Slovakia, Team 3
I am glad that Slovakia is part of the EU. Thanks to this, we can easily reach other EU countries. This makes it easier for us to learn in the world.
by Zuzana, Slovakia, Team 5
I have not even realized what impact has EU on our daily lives. First of all it makes travelling and studying abroad easier. So we have more opportunities to education. The benefit is also the fact that the same currency is paid in 19 countries in EU which is EURO. And afterall in EU we are entit... more
by Petronela, Slovakia, Team 5
Thanks to the Eu, many young people take advantage of the right to full freedomom of movement between EU countries.As an EU citizen,zou have to right to:train and study anywhere in the EU under the same conditions as nationals,work anywhere in the EU and benefit from the opportunities offered by ... more
by Evelína Dunová,Slovakia,team 1
I also think that the main impact i have from the EU is education, EU also strives to improve living standards by protecting the environment. If Slovakia wasnt part of the EU i would not have the same opportunities as i have with the EU. I am gald that Slovakia is part of it.
by Soňa, Slovakia, team 1
Well this is really hard question for me. I have never thought about how EU impact my country because I actually do not care. I just live where I do and and political things like these are not very important for me now, in my age. Maybe in future when i will be able to vote for our president or p... more
by by Emma, Slovakia, Team 7
I think that the EU affects my everyday life. We have food from other countries , also we have the opportunity to study in other countries. If my country is not in EU so we have more expensive food.
by Veronika Slovakia Team 5
EU has for sure an impact on my everyday life because when I will be older I will be able to study and work in every country who takes part of the EU and also because there are free borders and it's way more simple to travel to EU country and when you travel it's good that the money is the same
by Nathan , France , Team 8
EU, The trade
by Théophile , France Team 7
I think the EU allows to have a best online trade and trade generally. Then we buy easyer Somethi... more
If Norway join the EU, we will lose a lot of control over our immigration politics. The people that control this is the EU-council. In the EU, any person can move between countries pretty easily, which makes it easier for refugees to come to new countries. This affects me because then it would ar... more
by Tiril Lappegård, Norway, Multiropes (6)
by Aurora, Norway
The most impact I get from Europe is education. With Norway participating in EEA, education betwe... more
EU and EEA countries
by Anne Helmer Larsen, Norway, team 4
EU has got this climate plan, this plan is about fixing the climate, and making a healthy earth t... more
by Kristian, Norway Team 5
If Norway was not a part of the EU and/or EEA it would be much more difficult to study abroad. an... more
If Noway was not a part of EEA, I would not have the possibility to study medicine in another country in the future. Medical study in another country is much easier for me, because in Norway we have to have very good grades, so only few can study here, because the study is popular. I do not know ... more
by Doha, Norway
by Louis, France, Team 7
EU has of course a good impact on my everyday life. For example, we don't need passports to go in... more
I agree with you but there is problems in EU too, there is not all the countries are in the EU, T... more
by Théophile, France Team 7


suzie france team4

it's easy to discover other countries because they are accessible. So we can speak with other people in english to discover new cultures and new food. It's convenient to get to know with everybody.

Thu, Jan 3, 2019

Soňa, Slovakia, Team 1

I am very glad that i live in EU. I agree that the main inpact i have from EU is education. EU encourages students to educate abroad, it also strives to improve living standards by protecting the environment. If Slovakia wasnt part of the EU i would not have the same opportunities that i have now.

Wed, Dec 12, 2018
