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CPS Health Care - Market Segmentation Examples

A key point to note here is that Segmentation is looking up from a technology to split customers into groups rather than a customer looking down and grouping technologies (which we are familiar with in usual market studies).

A second point is that for CPS the customer is usually an other organisation rather than individual (i.e. B2B). This means the types of grouping characteristics include Business Demographics (e.g. Age, Size), Operating Variables (e.g. how products are used or technologies implemented), Purchasing approach (e.g. purchasing policy, structure of purchase department), Personal Characteristics (e.g. Socioeconomics, personality of a purchasing team).

Please provide feedback on the examples below or provide new examples. Kindly provide your name and organisation when adding arguments. This initiative provides feedback to the European Commission.

=In particular aim for examples that are clear and specific enough to avoid the fuzzy intersection between the customer looking down and the technology looking up (we must focus strongly on the latter to get benefits)=

(Source: Market Segmentation for CPS Technology, initial examples from THHINK, Festo and Thales)

Pros and cons
Medical Imaging Technology
by Charles Robinson (Thales)
=Small-to-Medium Enterprise= Are usually not the end vendor but supplier of components for comp... more
Active Implantable Technology
by Charles Robinson (Thales)
=Small-to-Medium Enterprise= These clients make up the majority of the market. Fragmented with ... more

