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time is up

What would you highlight as significant developments or outcomes in Digital Preservation over the past year?

In the opening iPRES 2015 session, "Spotlight: This Year’s Digital Preservation Noteworthy Progress and Achievements ", the facilitator and presenters will use this question as the basis for a brief review of digital preservation highlights for the year. A couple examples to illustrate: PREMIS version 3.0 was announced and the next OAIS Reference Model revision is underway. Other examples from the digital preservation community might point to: project results; revisions of standards, tools, or software released; or indicators of program developments (e.g., policies developed and shared, preservation strategies demonstrated). In addition to examples from the facilitators to get things going, a core of the review will build on themes and examples from attendee contributions and tweets from across the digital preservation community in response to this question - please join in! What would you highlight?

Pros and cons
Emulation is becoming more viable as a preservation strategy with the ongoing development and investment into EaaS, Emulation as a Service
by Maureen

Doug White, Tim Gollins, Andy Jackson and 5 more

Jhove transitioned to a community governed/financed sustainability model, stewarded by OPF
Douglas White
Stéphane Reecht
Tim Gollins
Webrecorder, released under the Apache License in October, offers high-fidelity web archiving that is adequate for the contemporary web.
by Dragan
Andy Jackson
The VeraPDF project released its prototype validation library for PDF/A-1b
by Maureen.
Tim Gollins
August 2015 : PAIS (Producer-Archive Interface Specification, CCSDS 651.1-B-1) becomes ISO 20104:2015. Green book under preparation (with a METS use case).mended
http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/651x1b1.pdf http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catal... more
Tiff-A. The development of an open standard for tiff for single images.
September 2015: The UK government selects ODF 1.2 as the standard for editable office documents to be used across government.
by iPRES 2015 Conference

