Please indicate the top 3 concerns you'd like the group to consider in their work this academic year.
Please include actionable in the description if possible. Others may contribute to actions in Pros/Cons area.
You can submit your own ideas or vote for others' ideas.
Ideas could include:
> First-Generation College Students
> Underserved Students/Populations
> Improving basic research skills
> Carrying Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) work into library instruction
> New World Soft/Basic Skills
> Working with Individualized Education Program (IEP) students, transitioning IEP requirements to college work
> E-learning - what not to do: policy you never thought you needed until now
> Universal design/ accessibility
> Digital Divide - lack of access to broadband
> Empowering Students to Ask for What They Need (Classroom & Library)
> Resources you can find in the library not on Google (large print, reference, collection literacy, movies, audio, closed captions on videos, remove extraneous noise/light)
> Chat Reference / e-reference
> Using cultural heritage materials in the classroom / primary sources
> Learning how to use college library databases
> Administrators who work with school librarians
> New York State Regents